Write File in Dart

Create Free Backend With Appwrite


In this section, you will learn how to write file in dart programming language by using File class and writeAsStringSync() method.

Write File In Dart

Let’s create a file named test.txt in the same directory of your dart program and write some text in it.

// dart program to write to file
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  // open file
  File file = File('test.txt');
  // write to file
  file.writeAsStringSync('Welcome to test.txt file.');
  print('File written.');
Show Output

Note: If you have already some content in test.txt file, then it will be removed and replaced with new content.

Add New Content To Previous Content

You can use FileMode.append to add new content to previous content. Assume that test.txt file already contains some text.

Welcome to test.txt file.

Now, let’s add new content to it.

// dart program to write to existing file
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  // open file
  File file =  File('test.txt');
  // write to file
  file.writeAsStringSync('\nThis is a new content.', mode: FileMode.append);
  print('Congratulations!! New content is added on top of previous content.');
Show Output

Write CSV File In Dart

In the example below, we will ask user to enter name and phone of 3 students and write it to a csv file named students.csv.

// dart program to write to csv file
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  // open file
  File file = File("students.csv");
  // write to file
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    // user input name
    stdout.write("Enter name of student ${i + 1}: ");
    String? name = stdin.readLineSync();
    stdout.write("Enter phone of student ${i + 1}: ");
    // user input phone
    String? phone = stdin.readLineSync();
    file.writeAsStringSync('$name,$phone\n', mode: FileMode.append);
  print("Congratulations!! CSV file written successfully.");
Show Output

students.csv file will look like this:


Note: You can create any type of file using writeAsStringSync() method. For example, .html, .json, .xml, etc.


Watch our video on file write in Dart.