Anonymous Function in Dart

Anonymous Function In Dart

This tutorial will teach you the anonymous function and how to use it. You already saw function like main(), add(), etc. These are the named functions, which means they have a certain name.

But not every function needs a name. If you remove the return type and the function name, the function is called anonymous function.


Here is the syntax of the anonymous function.

// statements

Example 1: Anonymous Function In Dart

In this example, you will learn to use an anonymous function to print all list items. This function invokes each fruit without having a function name.

void main() {
  const fruits = ["Apple", "Mango", "Banana", "Orange"];

  fruits.forEach((fruit) {
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Example 2: Anonymous Function In Dart

In this example, you will learn to find the cube of a number using an anonymous function.

void main() {
// Anonymous function
  var cube = (int number) {
    return number * number * number;

  print("The cube of 2 is ${cube(2)}");
  print("The cube of 3 is ${cube(3)}");
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Watch our video on anonymous functions in Dart.