Generic in Dart


This tutorial will teach you about dart Generics, how to create generics classes and methods with examples.

Generics In Dart

Generics is a way to create a class, or function that can work with different types of data (objects). If you look at the internal implementation of List class, it is a generic class. It can work with different data types like int, String, double, etc. For example, List<int> is a list of integers, List<String> is a list of strings, and List<double> is a list of double values.


class ClassName<T> {
  // code

Example 1: Without Using Generics

Suppose, you need to create a class that can work with both int and double data types. You can create two classes, one for int and another for double like this:

// Without Generics
// Creating a class for int
class IntData {
  int data;
// Creating a class for double
class DoubleData {
  double data;

void main() {
  // Create an object of IntData class
  IntData intData = IntData(10);
  DoubleData doubleData = DoubleData(10.5);
  // Print the data
  print("IntData: ${}");
  print("DoubleData: ${}");

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This is not a good practice because both class contain same code. You can create one Generics class that can work with different data types. See the example below.

Example 2: Using Generics

In this example below, there is single class that can work with int, double, and any other data types using Generics.

// Using Generics
class Data<T> {
  T data;

void main() {
  // create an object of type int and double
  Data<int> intData = Data<int>(10);
  Data<double> doubleData = Data<double>(10.5);

  // print the data
  print("IntData: ${}");
  print("DoubleData: ${}");

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Generics Type Variable

Generics type variables are used to define the type of data that can be used with the class. In the above example, T is a type variable. You can use any name for the type variable. A few typical names are T, E, K, and V.

Name Work
T Type
E Element
K Key
V Value

Dart Map Class

Like List, internal implementation of Map work with different types of data like int, String, double, etc. This is because Map is a generic class.

// Dart implementation of Map class
abstract class Map<K, V> {
  // code
  external factory Map();

This simply means that the Map class can work with different types of data.

void main() {
  final info = {
    "name": "John",
    "age": 20,
    "height": 5.5,

Generics Methods

You can also create a generic method. For this, you need to use the <T> keyword before the method’s return type. See the example below.

// Define generic method
T genericMethod<T>(T value) {
  return value;

void main() {
  // call the generic method
  print("Int: ${genericMethod<int>(10)}");
  print("Double: ${genericMethod<double>(10.5)}");
  print("String: ${genericMethod<String>("Hello")}");

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Example 3: Generic Method With Multiple Parameters

In this example below, you will learn to create a generic method with multiple parameters.

// Define generic method
T genericMethod<T, U>(T value1, U value2) {
  return value1;

void main() {
  // call the generic method
  print(genericMethod<int, String>(10, "Hello"));
  print(genericMethod<String, int>("Hello", 10));

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Restricting the Type of Data

While implementing generics, you can restrict the type of data that can be used with the class or method. This is done by using the extends keyword. See the example below.

Example 4: Generic Class With Restriction

In this example below, there is a Data class that works only with int and double types. It will not work with other types..

// Define generic class with bounded type
class Data<T extends num> {
  T data;

void main() {
  // create an object of type int and double
  Data<int> intData = Data<int>(10);
  Data<double> doubleData = Data<double>(10.5);
  // print the data
  print("IntData: ${}");
  print("DoubleData: ${}");
  // Not Possible
  // Data<String> stringData = Data<String>("Hello");

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Example 5: Generic Method With Restriction

In this example below, a generic method getAverage takes two parameters of Type T, which is considered a num. The method returns the average of the two parameters.

// Define generic method
double getAverage<T extends num>(T value1, T value2) {
  return (value1 + value2) / 2;

void main() {
  // call the generic method
  print("Average of int: ${getAverage<int>(10, 20)}");
  print("Average of double: ${getAverage<double>(10.5, 20.5)}");

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Example 6: Generic Class In Dart

In this example below, there is an abstract class Shape with one abstract method called area which returns a double. Also there are two classes that implement Shape, Circle and Rectangle. There is class Region which takes a list of Shape objects and has a method called totalArea which returns the sum of the areas of all the shapes in the list.

// abstract class Shape
abstract class Shape {
  // abstract method area
  double get area;

// class Circle which implements Shape
class Circle implements Shape {
  // field radius
  final double radius;
  // constructor

  // implementation of area method
  double get area => 3.14 * radius * radius;
// class Rectangle which implements Shape
class Rectangle implements Shape {
  // fields width and height
  final double width;
  final double height;
  // constructor
  Rectangle(this.width, this.height);

  // implementation of area method
  double get area => width * height;

// Generic class Region
class Region<T extends Shape> {
  // field shapes
  List<T> shapes;
  // constructor
  Region({required this.shapes});

  // method totalArea
  double get totalArea {
    double total = 0;
    shapes.forEach((shape) {
      total += shape.area;
    return total;

void main() {
  // create objects of Circle and Rectangle
  var circle = Circle(10);
  var rectangle = Rectangle(10, 20);
  // create a list of Shape objects
  var region = Region(shapes: [circle, rectangle]);
  // print the total area
  print("Total Area of Region: ${region.totalArea}");

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Advantages of Generics

  • It solve the problem of type safety.
  • It helps to reuse our code.


Watch our video on generics in Dart.