Null Safety Exercise

Create Free Backend With Appwrite

Null Safety Exercise

Practice these exercises to master dart null safety. To practice these exercises, click on Run Online button and solve the problem.

Exercise 1: Null Safety In Dart

In variable name age, assign a null value to it using ?.

// Try to assign a null value to age variable using ?
void main() {
  int age;
  age = null;
  print("Age is $age");
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Exercise 2: Nullable Type Parameter For Generics

Try using ? to make the type parameter of List nullable.

// Try to make the type parameter of List nullable
void main() {
  List<int> items = [1, 2, null, 4];
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Exercise 3: Null Assertion Operator (!)

Try using null assertion operator ! to print null if the variable is null.

// Try to use null assertion operator(!) to print null if the variable is null
void main() {
  String? name;
  name = null;
  String name1 = name;
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Exercise 4: Null Assertion Operator (!) For Generics

Try using null assertion operator ! to print null if the variable is null.

// Try to use null assertion operator(!) to print null if the variable is null
void main() {
  List<int?> items = [1, 2, null, 4];
  int firstItem = items.first;
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Exercise 5: Null Assertion Operator (!) For Generics

Try using null assertion operator ! to print null if the variable is null.

// Try to use null assertion operator(!) to print null if the variable is null
int? returnNullButSometimesNot() {
  return -5;

void main() {
 int result = returnNullButSometimesNot().abs();
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**Exercise 6: Null Assertion Operator (!) **

Try using null assertion operator ! to print the length of the String or return null if the variable is null.

// Try to use null assertion operator(!) to print the length of the String or return null if the variable is null
int findLength(String? name) {
    // add null assertion operator here
  return name.length;

void main() {
  int? length = findLength("Hello");
  print("The length of the string is $length");
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Exercise 7: Null Coalescing Operator (??)

If you want to assign a default value to a variable if it is null, you can use null coalescing operator ??.

Try using null coalescing operator ?? to assign a default value to Stranger if it is null.

// Try to use null coalescing operator(??) to assign a default value to Stranger if it is null
void main() {
  String? name;
  name = null;
  String name1 = name;
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Exercise 8: Type Promotion

Solve the error using type promotion:

// Try to solve the error using type promotion
Object name = "Mark";
print("The length of name is ${name.length}");
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Exercise 9: Type Promotion

Solve the error using type promotion:

// Try to solve the error using type promotion
import 'dart:math';
class DataProvider{
    String? get stringorNull => Random().nextBool() ? "Hello" : null;

    void myMethod(){
        if(stringorNull is String){
            print("The length of value is ${stringorNull.length}");
            print("The value is not string.");


void main() {
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Exercise 10: Late Keyword

Try using late keyword to solve the error:

// Try to solve the error using late keyword
class Person{
    String _name;

    void setName(String name){
        _name = name;

    String get name => _name;

void main() {
    Person person = Person();
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