Inheritance in Dart


In this section, you will learn inheritance in Dart programming and how to define a class that reuses the properties and methods of another class.

Inheritance In Dart

Inheritance is a sharing of behaviour between two classes. It allows you to define a class that extends the functionality of another class. The extend keyword is used for inheriting from parent class.


Note: Whenever you use inheritance, it always create a is-a relation between the parent and child class like Student is a Person, Truck is a Vehicle, Cow is a Animal etc.

Dart supports single inheritance, which means that a class can only inherit from a single class. Dart does not support multiple inheritance which means that a class cannot inherit from multiple classes.


class ParentClass {
  // Parent class code

class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
  // Child class code

In this syntax, ParentClass is the super class and ChildClass is the sub class. The ChildClass inherits the properties and methods of the ParentClass.


Parent Class: The class whose properties and methods are inherited by another class is called parent class. It is also known as base class or super class.

Child Class: The class that inherits the properties and methods of another class is called child class. It is also known as derived class or sub class.

Example 1: Inheritance In Dart

In this example, we will create a class Person and then create a class Student that inherits the properties and methods of the Person class.

class Person {
  // Properties
  String? name;
  int? age;

  // Method
  void display() {
    print("Name: $name");
    print("Age: $age");
// Here In student class, we are extending the
// properties and methods of the Person class
class Student extends Person {
  // Fields
  String? schoolName;
  String? schoolAddress;

  // Method
  void displaySchoolInfo() {
    print("School Name: $schoolName");
    print("School Address: $schoolAddress");

void main() {
  // Creating an object of the Student class
  var student = Student(); = "John";
  student.age = 20;
  student.schoolName = "ABC School";
  student.schoolAddress = "New York";

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Advantages Of Inheritance In Dart

  • It promotes reusability of the code and reduces redundant code.
  • It helps to design a program in a better way.
  • It makes code simpler, cleaner and saves time and money on maintenance.
  • It facilitates the creation of class libraries.
  • It can be used to enforce standard interface to all children classes.

Example 2: Inheritance In Dart

In this example, here is parent class Car and child class Toyota. The Toyota class inherits the properties and methods of the Car class.

class Car{
  String color;
  int year;

  void start(){
    print("Car started");

class Toyota extends Car{
  String model;
  int price;

  void showDetails(){
    print("Model: $model");
    print("Price: $price");

void main(){
  var toyota = Toyota();
  toyota.color = "Red";
  toyota.year = 2020;
  toyota.model = "Camry";
  toyota.price = 20000;

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Types Of Inheritance In Dart

  1. Single Inheritance - In this type of inheritance, a class can inherit from only one class. In Dart, we can only extend one class at a time.

  2. Multilevel Inheritance - In this type of inheritance, a class can inherit from another class and that class can also inherit from another class. In Dart, we can extend a class from another class which is already extended from another class.

  3. Hierarchical Inheritance - In this type of inheritance, parent class is inherited by multiple subclasses. For example, the Car class can be inherited by the Toyota class and Honda class.

  4. Multiple Inheritance - In this type of inheritance, a class can inherit from multiple classes. Dart does not support multiple inheritance. For e.g. Class Toyota extends Car, Vehicle {} is not allowed in Dart.

Example 3: Single Inheritance In Dart

In this example below, there is super class named Car with two properties name and price. There is sub class named Tesla which inherits the properties of the super class. The sub class has a method display to display the values of the properties.

class Car {
  // Properties
  String? name;
  double? price;

class Tesla extends Car {
  // Method to display the values of the properties
  void display() {
    print("Name: ${name}");
    print("Price: ${price}");

void main() {
  // Create an object of Tesla class
  Tesla t = new Tesla();
  // setting values to the object = "Tesla Model 3";
  t.price = 50000.00;
  // Display the values of the object

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Example 4: Multilevel Inheritance In Dart

In this example below, there is super class named Car with two properties name and price. There is sub class named Tesla which inherits the properties of the super class. The sub class has a method display to display the values of the properties. There is another sub class named Model3 which inherits the properties of the sub class Tesla. The sub class has a property color and a method display to display the values of the properties.

class Car {
// Properties
String? name;
double? price;

class Tesla extends Car {
// Method to display the values of the properties
void display() {
  print("Name: ${name}");
  print("Price: ${price}");

class Model3 extends Tesla {
// Properties
String? color;

// Method to display the values of the properties
void display() {
  print("Color: ${color}");

void main() {
// Create an object of Model3 class
Model3 m = new Model3();
// setting values to the object = "Tesla Model 3";
m.price = 50000.00;
m.color = "Red";
// Display the values of the object

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Note: Here super keyword is used to call the method of the parent class.

Example 5: Multilevel Inheritance In Dart

In this example below, there is class named Person with two properties name and age. There is sub class named Doctor with properties listofdegrees and hospitalname. There is another subclass named Specialist with property specialization. The sub class has a method display to display the values of the properties.

class Person {
  // Properties
  String? name;
  int? age;

class Doctor extends Person {
  // Properties
  List<String>? listofdegrees;
  String? hospitalname;

  // Method to display the values of the properties
  void display() {
    print("Name: ${name}");
    print("Age: ${age}");
    print("List of Degrees: ${listofdegrees}");
    print("Hospital Name: ${hospitalname}");

class Specialist extends Doctor {
  // Properties
  String? specialization;

  // Method to display the values of the properties
  void display() {
    print("Specialization: ${specialization}");

void main() {
  // Create an object of Specialist class
  Specialist s = new Specialist();
  // setting values to the object = "John";
  s.age = 30;
  s.listofdegrees = ["MBBS", "MD"];
  s.hospitalname = "ABC Hospital";
  s.specialization = "Cardiologist";
  // Display the values of the object

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Example 6: Hierarchical Inheritance In Dart

In this example below, there is class named Shape with two properties diameter1 and diameter2. There is sub class named Rectangle with method area to calculate the area of the rectangle. There is another subclass named Triangle with method area to calculate the area of the triangle.

class Shape {
  // Properties
  double? diameter1;
  double? diameter2;

class Rectangle extends Shape {
  // Method to calculate the area of the rectangle
  double area() {
    return diameter1! * diameter2!;

class Triangle extends Shape {
  // Method to calculate the area of the triangle
  double area() {
    return 0.5 * diameter1! * diameter2!;

void main() {
  // Create an object of Rectangle class
  Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
  // setting values to the object
  r.diameter1 = 10.0;
  r.diameter2 = 20.0;
  // Display the area of the rectangle
  print("Area of the rectangle: ${r.area()}");

  // Create an object of Triangle class
  Triangle t = new Triangle();
  // setting values to the object
  t.diameter1 = 10.0;
  t.diameter2 = 20.0;
  // Display the area of the triangle
  print("Area of the triangle: ${t.area()}");

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Key Points

  • Inheritance is used to reuse the code.
  • Inheritance is a concept which is achieved by using the extends keyword.
  • Properties and methods of the super class can be accessed by the sub class.
  • Class Dog extends class Animal{} means Dog is sub class and Animal is super class.
  • The sub class can have its own properties and methods.

Why Dart Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance?

Dart does not support multiple inheritance because it can lead to ambiguity. For example, if class Apple inherits class Fruit and class Vegetable, then there may be two methods with the same name eat. If the method is called, then which method should be called? This is the reason why Dart does not support multiple inheritance.

What’s problem Of Copy Paste Instead Of Inheritance?

If you copy the code from one class to another class, then you will have to maintain the code in both the classes. If you make any changes in one class, then you will have to make the same changes in the other class. This can lead to errors and bugs in the code.

Does Inheritance Finished If I Learned Extending Class?

No, there is a lot more to learn about inheritance. You need to learn about Constructor Inheritance, Method Overriding, Abstract Class, Interface and Mixin etc. You will learn about these concepts in the next chapters.


Watch our video on inheritance in Dart.