Class in Dart
Class In Dart
In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. A class defines the properties and methods that an object will have. For example, a class called Dog might have properties like breed, color and methods like bark, run.
Declaring Class In Dart
You can declare a class in dart using the class keyword followed by class name and braces {}. It’s a good habit to write class name in PascalCase. For example, Employee, Student, QuizBrain, etc.
class ClassName {
// properties or fields
// methods or functions
In the above syntax:
- The class keyword is used for defining the class.
- ClassName is the name of the class and must start with capital letter.
- Body of the class consists of properties and functions.
- Properties are used to store the data. It is also known as fields or attributes.
- Functions are used to perform the operations. It is also known as methods.
Example 1: Declaring A Class In Dart
In this example below, there is class Animal with three properties: name, numberOfLegs, and lifeSpan. The class also has a method called display, which prints out the values of the three properties.
class Animal {
String? name;
int? numberOfLegs;
int? lifeSpan;
void display() {
print("Animal name: $name.");
print("Number of Legs: $numberOfLegs.");
print("Life Span: $lifeSpan.");
Note: This program will not print anything because we have not created any object of the class. You will learn about the object later. The ? is used for null safety. You will also learn about null safety later.
Example 2: Declaring A Person Class In Dart
In this example below, there is class Person with four properties: name, phone, isMarried, and age. The class also has a method called displayInfo, which prints out the values of the four properties.
class Person {
String? name;
String? phone;
bool? isMarried;
int? age;
void displayInfo() {
print("Person name: $name.");
print("Phone number: $phone.");
print("Married: $isMarried.");
print("Age: $age.");
Example 3: Declaring Area Class In Dart
In this example below, there is class Area with two properties: length and breadth. The class also has a method called calculateArea, which calculates the area of the rectangle.
class Area {
double? length;
double? breadth;
double calculateArea() {
return length! * breadth!;
Example 4: Declaring A Student Class In Dart
In this example below, there is class Student with three properties: name, age, and grade. The class also has a method called displayInfo, which prints out the values of the three properties.
class Student {
String? name;
int? age;
int? grade;
void displayInfo() {
print("Student name: $name.");
print("Student age: $age.");
print("Student grade: $grade.");
Key Points
- The class is declared using the class keyword.
- The class is a blueprint for creating objects.
- The class body consists of properties and methods.
- The properties are also known as fields, attributes, or data members.
- The methods are also known as behaviors, or member functions.
Create a class Book with three properties: name, author, and price. Also, create a method called display, which prints out the values of the three properties.
Note: In the next section, you will learn how to create an object from a class.
Watch our video on class in Dart.