Polymorphism in Dart


In this section, you will learn about polymorphism in Dart programming language with the help of examples. Before learning about polymorphism in Dart, you should have a basic understanding of the inheritance in Dart.

Polymorphism In Dart

Poly means many and morph means forms. Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. As humans, we have the ability to take on many forms. We can be a student, a teacher, a parent, a friend, and so on. Similarly, in object-oriented programming, polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms.


Note: In the real world, polymorphism is updating or modifying the feature, function, or implementation that already exists in the parent class.

Polymorphism By Method Overriding

Method overriding is a technique in which you can create a method in the child class that has the same name as the method in the parent class. The method in the child class overrides the method in the parent class.


class ParentClass{
void functionName(){
class ChildClass extends ParentClass{
void functionName(){

Example 1: Polymorphism By Method Overriding In Dart

In this example below, there is a class named Animal with a method named eat(). The eat() method is overridden in the child class named Dog.

class Animal {
  void eat() {
    print("Animal is eating");

class Dog extends Animal {
  void eat() {
    print("Dog is eating");

void main() {
  Animal animal = Animal();

  Dog dog = Dog();

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Example 2: Polymorphism By Method Overriding In Dart

In this example below, there is a class named Vehicle with a method named run(). The run() method is overridden in the child class named Bus.

class Vehicle {
  void run() {
    print("Vehicle is running");

class Bus extends Vehicle {
  void run() {
    print("Bus is running");

void main() {
  Vehicle vehicle = Vehicle();

  Bus bus = Bus();

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Note: If you don’t write @override, the program still runs. But, it is a good practice to write @override.

Example 3: Polymorphism By Method Overriding In Dart

In this example below, there is a class named Car with a method named power(). The power() method is overridden in two child classes named Honda and Tesla.

class Car{
  void power(){
    print("It runs on petrol.");

class Honda extends Car{
class Tesla extends Car{
  void power(){
    print("It runs on electricity.");

void main(){
  Honda honda=Honda();
  Tesla tesla=Tesla();

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Example 4: Polymorphism By Method Overriding In Dart

In this example below, there is a class named Employee with a method named salary(). The salary() method is overridden in two child classes named Manager and Developer.

class Employee{
  void salary(){
    print("Employee salary is \$1000.");

class Manager extends Employee{
  void salary(){
    print("Manager salary is \$2000.");

class Developer extends Employee{
  void salary(){
    print("Developer salary is \$3000.");

void main(){
  Manager manager=Manager();
  Developer developer=Developer();

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Advantage Of Polymorphism In Dart

  • Subclasses can override the behavior of the parent class.
  • It allows us to write code that is more flexible and reusable.


Watch our video on polymorphism in Dart.