Static in Dart


In this section, you will learn about dart static to share the same variable or method across all instances of a class.

Static In Dart

If you want to define a variable or method that is shared by all instances of a class, you can use the static keyword. Static members are accessed using the class name. It is used for memory management.

Dart Static Variable

A static variable is a variable that is shared by all instances of a class. It is declared using the static keyword. It is initialized only once when the class is loaded. It is used to store the class-level data.

How To Declare A Static Variable In Dart

To declare a static variable in Dart, you must use the static keyword before the variable name.

class ClassName {
  static dataType variableName;

How To Initialize A Static Variable In Dart

To initialize a static variable simply assign a value to it.

class ClassName {
  static dataType variableName = value;
  // for e.g 
  // static int num = 10;
  // static String name = "Dart";

How To Access A Static Variable In Dart

You need to use the ClassName.variableName to access a static variable in Dart.

class ClassName {
  static dataType variableName = value;
  // Accessing the static variable inside same class
  void display() {

void main() {
  // Accessing static variable outside the class
  dataType value =ClassName.variableName;

Example 1: Static Variable In Dart

In this example below, there is a class named Employee. The class has a static variable count to count the number of employees.

class Employee {
  // Static variable
  static int count = 0;
  // Constructor
  Employee() {
  // Method to display the value of count
  void totalEmployee() {
    print("Total Employee: $count");

void main() {
  // Creating objects of Employee class
  Employee e1 = new Employee();
  Employee e2 = new Employee();
  Employee e3 = new Employee();

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Note: While creating the objects of the class, the static variable count is incremented by 1. The totalEmployee() method displays the value of the static variable count.

Example 2: Static Variable In Dart

In this example below, there is a class named Student. The class has a static variable schoolName to store the name of the school. If every student belongs to the same school, then it is better to use a static variable.

class Student {
  int id;
  String name;
  static String schoolName = "ABC School";
  void display() {
    print("Id: ${}");
    print("Name: ${}");
    print("School Name: ${Student.schoolName}");

void main() {
  Student s1 = new Student(1, "John");
  Student s2 = new Student(2, "Smith");

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Dart Static Method

A static method is shared by all instances of a class. It is declared using the static keyword. You can access a static method without creating an object of the class.


class ClassName{
static returnType methodName(){

Example 3: Static Method In Dart

In this example, we will create a static method calculateInterest() which calculates the simple interest. You can call SimpleInterest.calculateInterest() anytime without creating an instance of the class.

class SimpleInterest {
  static double calculateInterest(double principal, double rate, double time) {
    return (principal * rate * time) / 100;

void main() {
      "The simple interest is ${SimpleInterest.calculateInterest(1000, 2, 2)}");

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Example 4: Static Method In Dart

In this example below, there is static method generateRandomPassword() which generates a random password. You can call PasswordGenerator.generateRandomPassword() anytime without creating an instance of the class.

import 'dart:math';

class PasswordGenerator {
  static String generateRandomPassword() {
    List<String> allalphabets = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
    List<int> numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
    List<String> specialCharacters = ["@", "#", "%", "&", "*"];
    List<String> password = [];
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    return password.join();

void main() {

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Note: You don’t need to create an instance of a class to call a static method.

Key Points To Remember

  • Static members are accessed using the class name.
  • All instances of a class share static members.


Watch our video on static in Dart.